Friday 14 May 2010

It's been 3 months now...

And I'm on the long slow slog to build up my client base enough so that I earn enough money not to worry as much! I market online and offline at networking events, I run my own networking events too, I've got myself a brilliant business coach, updated my website and am doing courses to improve my skill set - quite frankly it's utterly knackering doing all of this let alone looking after the kids and then actually DOING the work I have in!

But I'm getting there. I'm just impatient I guess and financial pressures mean I feel like I need to be there now. I'm never going back to being employed though - being my own boss, being there for my kids, choosing who I want to work with and having an actual life rocks far too much for that, quite frankly.

Back to the grind now at 8.30pm and I'll be here past midnight... but if I have to it now, then so be it.

Sunday 29 November 2009

It is now OFFICIAL!

It is now official!!! I will be a full time VA from the 5th February 2010, so just under 1 year since my initial 6 month plan but I am still immensly proud of myself!

Now to get some clients in and make it earn the cash to keep me in shoes (and pay the bills).

Monday 9 November 2009

VERY soon to be VA

I am aware I haven't posted on here for rather a long time now, as I have moved to my RRVA blog, since I started trading properly in April this year. However, it seems appropriate that I say it on here too.

I will VERY soon be a full time VA!!!! Yay, whoop and hurrah!!! Slightly off my 6 month hope, and it will be nearer a year when I achieve my goal but not bad!!!

Suffice it to say by February 2010, mission accomplished! Then to drive the business onwards and make it the success I know it will be.

Sunday 23 August 2009

New client and others promoting me!

This week has been great as I have started working with my first proper regular client who seem to be willing to trust me with both big things and smaller but equally essential things. Big smile on my face!!! I had a brilliant skype meeting with them (and I taught them how to skype at the same time which was fun!!!!

A VA I did some sub work for back in June finally paid me this week too so my bank balance is a little happier.

Also a friend/client who I've helped out has been telling loads of her contacts about me and how fab I am so fingers crossed I hear from one of them soon!!! Must remember to sort out some article writing for her to say thank you but its just the most awesome kind of publicity!!! The free kind of other people saying your brilliant and they tell you about it later... So yep, a great week in R&R VA Services land :-)

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Distractions, distractions everywhere!!!!

I am getting sooo distracted at the moment. I think it's coz I've been away on holiday....Just look at the lovely St Brelades Bay.

And I'm away again this weekend, this time to Cardigan Bay. In between I have further market research to do and another press release to write so focusing on actually promoting my business has slipped a bit.

This is a big mistake I know and I'm trying to rectify it ASAP. But then I'm off to the beach with the kids !!!

Saturday 1 August 2009

Building up my client base...

I'm rather pleased that things seem to be on the up at the moment. After careful following up I appear to have a regular client! Don't want to say who yet unless it all goes horribly wrong at some point but yay to me!!!

I also have a client who keeps coming back for another one off job, ooh and could you just do another one too so am hopeful he may become a regular too. We'll just have to wait and see but currently rather proud of my little business and need to get networking again to increase my client base even more.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Fourth Plinth

Slightly random post this but I have applied to be on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square, it will be in September I think if I'm selected...will keep you posted!

Check it out if you're interested

At the time of writing this there is a guy in a monkey suit up there :)